A BioProducts from the Planet Earth, Universe

latest update:29.11. 2011 ?
Licence Creative Commons
No Meaning 1:02:xx (Great story from 0:35:00!) (~85.1M)

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Mixdown syndrom 4x:xx (You can born with it) (~63.3M)

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Akmetus Peatus 3x:xx (Egýptek) (~44.1M)

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Audiotrack from lost short movie "Where Thruth Lie" from part of documentary "Le Grande Extraterrestre de vacances" about alternative bi0Forms.
You're been warned.

Submissin 500 4x:xx (|)(|) (~55.1M)

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Les effets psychiques incluent des perceptions visuelles de type pseudo-hallucinatoire (l'usager sait que la perception n'est pas réelle), des distorsions spatio-temporelles (perte de la notion du temps), des perceptions déformées du corps, une confusion des sens (ou synesthésie, sensation de voir les sons et d'entendre les couleurs), ainsi que des troubles des affects, des phénomènes de dépersonnalisation et une prise de conscience d'événements refoulés.

Fear-Free Mind ~4x:xx (Strachunemyel) (~65.1M)

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Timo estas ofte tre forta emocio kiu aperas kiam estas danĝero aŭ minaco. Tre forta formo de timo, kiam racia pensado forfalas, estas paniko. Kiam la timo ekestas pro subita bruo aŭ surprizo kaj tuj poste malaperas, foje povas okazi nekontrolita reflekso.
Timo estas ankaŭ finna vira nomo.

GalactiCore ~4x:xx (Středíra) (~60.9M)

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시선 방향에 위치한 차가운 성간 구름 때문에 은하핵을 지구에서 가시광선, 자외선, 낮은 엑스선 파장대로 관측하는 것은 불가능하다. 은하핵을 관측할 수 있는 파장 영역은 감마선, 높은 엑스선대, 적외선, 전파 파장대이다. 은하핵의 위치는 1918년 할로우 셰플리가 구상 성단 분포를 연구하면서 발견했다. 적도 좌표계에 의한 은하핵의 방위는 다음과 같다: 적경 17h 45m 40.04s, 적위 -29° 00' 28.1" (J2000 원기). 복잡한 전파원 궁수자리 A는 은하핵에 거의 정확하게 자리잡고 있는 것으로 보이며, 복잡하면서 극도로 밀집된 전파원 궁수자리 A*는 우리 은하 중심부에 있는 초대질량블랙홀과 같은 공간을 공유하고 있다. 블랙 홀 주변에 형성되어 있을 가능성이 큰 착증 디스크는 전파원에 해당하는 에너지를 방출하며, 자체 크기는 블랙 홀보다 훨씬 더 크다. 다만 이 디스크는 현재의 관측 기구로 보기에는 너무 작다. 은하핵과 또 다른 것으로 은하의 북극점이 있다. 이 북극점은 머리털자리에 있으며, 북극의 방위는 다음과 같다: 적경 12h 51m 25s, 적위 +27˚ 07´ 48˝

Zmodulord 40:07 (Zlodumord ;-)) (~55.1M)

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Amikor mindketten megszüntette az kihasználni, a Magasságos ajándékot Élhetünk baloons úszó Vénusz atmosphere. Bastion Selesion ado man. At magasságban 50 km felett Venusian felület, a környezet a "a legtöbb Earthlike a Naprendszerben", a nyomás kb 1 bar és a hőmérséklet a 0 ° C-50 ° C tartományban. Peter is sick. Mert nincs olyan jelentős nyomás különbség a belső és a külső a belélegezhető levegő léggömb, bármilyen RIP vagy szakadások okozna gázok diffúz normál légköri keveredés aránya, így ideje, hogy javítási az ilyen károk. Patrick is waiting. Ezen felül, az emberek nem igényel nyomás megfelel, ha nem, csak levegőt és a védelmet a savas eső.

Project 0 46:24 (Zplaňování budoucnosti) (~63.7M)

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This trip is dedicated to Theoretic TherapiesTM's greatest fan (no, not You! You hypocrite! He knows who he is and He is not YOU ;-))), all of four bionauts from Hydrogen spaceship wish your's track of life is right on right (right) side of lifetrack and Your's Ring of Binary Power let's you get what you need! :-)

Soundcheck No. 1 55:50 (Zvukovku NE 1) (~76.6M)

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יט ליכט, צייַט גייט אויף, קיין ברענוואַרג קיין פֿייַער, הגם פילע מאָל עס דאכט אַז הידראָגען איז אומעטום, נאָר אויסשטרעקן די טענטאַקאַלז, די קאָפּ איז ניט געגאנגען צו ...

Czakro-Bio-Tech 56:02 (intended to play on PowerFull soundsystem, adjust your's equaliser ;-)) (~77.2M)

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Czarotek - End Titles 12:01 (AcidPunk Radio version) (~19.2M)

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This time, crew of spaceship Hydrogen choose to tank Oxygen on homeplanet instead of taking hydrogen from Vaste Space, this BlackBox record was founded here, record is from 30.5.2011 between 8pm and 9pm during Dawn on Dizlectic Division's 10kW SoundWawe engines, thank's to effort of our Main Base Sponsor Master of 3ožák.
Without them, we don't deserve to know how much Responsility comes with Big POWER.
Thanks, thanks, now all known and unknown Psychonauts know : traveling on HomePlanet can be really funny too!! ;-)

Tatra kála 37:17 (Delivery of Dreams) (~51.2M)

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Melkweg, as gevolg van stroping Resources interessant, want die plan, vanaf die tyd toe die lees van die taal en die gewapende beton was 'n verre droom, en wag vir ons in die ope lug onder'n baie positiewe en negatiewe gebruikers openers. Kom en kyk na die mense wat jy sal vind ons daar, waar dit sal wees relatief stil.

Melkweg, jak gevolg van stroping Zdroje interessant, chci umřít plán, vanaf zemřít tyd prst zemřít kalů van die Taal en zemřít gewapende beton byl 'n Verre droom, en vir Firefox vrtět v zemřít ope tahat onder'n Baie positiewe en negatiewe gebruikers otvíráky. Kom en kyk n. zemřít mense wat JY sal VIND Firefox daar, waar dit sal Wees relatief stil.

Mahaakaala 42:53 (Dharmapala) (~59.1M)

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Kraftigare halisi mwamba katika pango chini coil kubwa kushikamana na biozdroj, nguvu zaidi kuliko elfu kumi Watts, unaweza kufikiria kuwa? Nini zaidi inaweza unataka? A rundo la kioo au misitu uyoga? Juu ya hili na katika masuala mengine ya kuangalia ijayo.

Gom Jabbar 56:05 (You know him, We are sure) (~77.0M)

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Sanatorium_pro_libozvučné 39:18 (Sanatorium for euphonious) (~54.0M)

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Dansk Jävlar ! 41:07 (Švéd ;-)) (~56.5M)

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Chemopláně 40:45 (Chemical Planes) (~55.7M)

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Still searchi'n for hiden things. And under defending wings of The b3(a)st Underground on Hill.
for details, see page #115 in Rohy Plogen's "Searching of The Source of Searcher's power to Search"

Back to the underground 27:38 (The Best underground is on The Hill) (~38.0M)

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To obtain critical mass under tons of reinforced concrete hydrogen needs less mass.. Get you much much higer, moving under can, with us come, and with 4bioforms 3ozi sound be patient. Hmmmmmm.

We joyfully moved to another Source of Pow3r in another State of location.
Psychocin 46:xx (Pressure, Calm, Grow, In-forming) (~61.3M)

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¡uoıʇɐƃǝu ǝʌıʇısod ʇdǝɔɔɐ oʇ ǝɹɐdǝɹd puɐ sɹɐǝ uo uɹnʇ 'ǝnƃuoʇ s,ɹnoʎ ǝsn ˙ʇı ǝʇsɐʇ ˙ʇı ʇnnoqɐ ʞuıɥʇ ˙uıʌʃǝʞ ɟo sǝǝɹƃǝp 0 ɹǝpun sǝɹnʇɐɹǝdɯǝʇ ǝq uɐɔ ǝɹǝɥʇ 'sǝʎ ˙oɹǝz ǝʇnʃosqɐ pǝʃʃɐɔ-os ɟo ɹǝıɹɹɐq s,uıʌʃǝʞ ʇɐǝq uɐɔ sɯɹoɟ-oıq 'ǝsɹǝʌıun ɹɐǝu uı ǝɹǝɥʍǝɯos

Hra na uklidněnou 46:xx (Game to calm down) (~64.5M)

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     ___   wWw  wWwwWw  wWw    ___   wWw  wWwwWw  wWw    \\\    ///   .-.   ()_()  wWw           
    (___)__(O)  (O)(O)  (O)   (___)__(O)  (O)(O)  (O)    ((O)  (O)) c(O_O)c (O o)  (O)_          
    (O)(O) / )  ( \( \  / )   (O)(O) / )  ( \( \  / )     | \  / | ,'.---.`, |^_\  / __)         
    /  _\ / /    \ \\ \/ /    /  _\ / /    \ \\ \/ /      ||\\//||/ /|_|_|\ \|(_))/ (            
    | |_))| \____/ | \o /     | |_))| \____/ | \o /       || \/ ||| \_____/ ||  /(  _)           
    | |_))'. `--' .`_/ /_     | |_))'. `--' .`_/ /        ||    ||'. `---' .`)|\\ \ \_  _  _  _  
    (.'-'   `-..-' (_.'(_)    (.'-'   `-..-' (_.'        (_/    \_) `-...-' (/  \) \__)(_)(_)(_) 
        \\\  /// _         ___    wWw       \\  //       ))    ))    wWw  wWw .--.  .--.  .--.  
    /)  ((O)(O))/||_      (___)__ (O)_      (o)(o)   /) (o0)-.(o0)-. (O)  (O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O)(O) 
  (o)(O) | \ ||  /o_)     (O)(O)  / __)     ||  || (o)(O)| (_))| (_))( \  / )| o / | o / | o /  
   //\\  ||\\|| / |(\     /  _\  / (        |(__)|  //\\ | .-' | .-'  \ \/ / |`-/  |`-/  |`-/   
  |(__)| || \ | | | ))    | |_))(  _)       /.--.\ |(__)||(    |(      \o /  |_/   |_/   |_/    
  /,-. | ||  || | |//     | |_)) \ \_      -'    `-/,-. | \)    \)    _/ /   _     _     _      
 -'   ''(_/  \_)\__/      (.'-'   \__)            -'   '' (     (    (_.'   (_)   (_)   (_)     

Vytápěná pěnová pohoda 45:05 (Heated comfort foam) (~61.8M)

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 ___  _       _        _                   _   
| . ><_> ___ | | ___ _| |_ ___  ___  ___ _| |_ 
| . \| |<_> || |/ . \ | | / . \/ | '<_> | | |  
|___/|_|<___||_|\___/ |_| \___/\_|_.<___| |_|  
   _    _                                         _                
 _| |_ | |_  ___  _ _ ._ _  ___  ___  _ _ ._ _  _| | ___  ___  _ _ 
  | |  | . |<_> || '_>| ' |/ . \/ | '| | || ' |/ . |/ ._><_> || '_>
  |_|  |_|_|<___||_|  |_|_|\___/\_|_.`___||_|_|\___|\___.<___||_|  
C12H17N2O4P1  hydreganoc prudnor                                                                

Před sebou se neschováš 09:xx (Cannot Hide From You) (~14.4M)

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    )    )    )     )         )    )         )     )  
 ( /( ( /( ( /(  ( /(      ( /( ( /(      ( /(  ( /(  
 )(_)))\()))\()) )\())___  )\()))\())___  )(_)) )\()) 
((_) ((_)\((_)\ ((_)\|___|((_)\((_)\|___|((_)  ((_)\  
|_  )/  (_)/ (_)/  (_)    /  (_)/ (_)    |_  )|__ (_) 
 / /| () | | | | () |    | () | | |       / /  |_ \   
/___|\__/  |_|  \__/      \__/  |_|      /___||___/   

Bačkůrkový Zlo 27:xx (Evil in Good Mood) (~38.0M)

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<-.(`-')  (`-')  _             (`-')  <-.(`-')               (`-')  (`-')  _ (`-')  _ (`-').-> 
 __( OO)  (OO ).-/  _          ( OO).->__( OO)      .->   <-.(OO )  ( OO).-/ ( OO).-/ ( OO)_   
'-'---.\  / ,---.   \-,-----.,(_/----.'-'. ,--.(`-')----. ,------,)(,------.(,------.(_)--\_)  
| .-. (/  | \ /`.\   |  .--./|__,    ||  .'   /( OO).-.  '|   /`. ' |  .---' |  .---'/    _ /  
| '-' `.) '-'|_.' | /_) (`-') (_/   / |      /)( _) | |  ||  |_.' |(|  '--. (|  '--. \_..`--.  
| /`'.  |(|  .-.  | ||  |OO ) .'  .'_ |  .   '  \|  |)|  ||  .   .' |  .--'  |  .--' .-._)   \ 
| '--'  / |  | |  |(_'  '--'\|       ||  |\   \  '  '-'  '|  |\  \  |  `---. |  `---.\       / 
`------'  `--' `--'   `-----'`-------'`--' '--'   `-----' `--' '--' `------' `------' `-----'  

 (`-')  _      (`-')  _              
 ( OO).-/     _(OO ) (_)      <-.    
(,------.,--.(_/,-.\ ,-(`-'),--. )   
 |  .---'\   \ / (_/ | ( OO)|  (`-') 
(|  '--.  \   /   /  |  |  )|  |OO ) 
 |  .--' _ \     /_)(|  |_/(|  '__ | 
 |  `---.\-'\   /    |  |'->|     |' 
 `------'    `-'     `--'   `-----'  

Babiččino keto 36:xx (Grandma's cat valium) (~50.1M)

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       _..._         __                                __                           _..._                        .-'''-.              
    .-'_..._''. ...-'  |`. ..-'''-.               ...-'  |`.                     .-'_..._''. .---.              '   _    \            
  .' .'      '.\|      |  |\.-'''\ \     .        |      |  |                  .' .'      '.\|   |   _..._    /   /` '.   \           
 / .'           ....   |  |       | |  .'|        ....   |  |       .-''''-.  / .'           |   | .'     '. .   |     \  '           
. '               -|   |  |    __/ /  <  |          -|   |  |      /  .--.  \. '             |   |.   .-.   .|   '      |  '          
| |                |   |  |   |_  '.   | |           |   |  |     /  /    '-'| |             |   ||  '   '  |\    \     / /           
| |             ...'   `--'      `.  \ | | .'''-. ...'   `--'    /  /.--.    | |             |   ||  |   |  | `.   ` ..' /            
. '             |         |`.      \ '.| |/.'''. \|         |`. /  ' _   \   . '             |   ||  |   |  |    '-...-'`             
 \ '.          .` --------\ |       , ||  /    | |` --------\ |/   .' )   |   \ '.          .|   ||  |   |  |                         
  '. `._____.-'/ `---------'        | || |     | | `---------' |   (_.'   /    '. `._____.-'/|   ||  |   |  |                         
    `-.______ /                    / ,'| |     | |              \       '        `-.______ / '---'|  |   |  |                         
             `             -....--'  / | '.    | '.               `----'                  `       |  |   |  |                         
                           `.. __..-'  '---'   '---'                                              '--'   '--'                         

Psychedelic Standard 3x:xx () (~39.8M)

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 @@@@@@@   @@@@@@    @@@@@@@@   @@@  @@@   @@@@@@   @@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@    @@@@@@   
@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@  @@@@ @@@  @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  
!@@            @@@  @@!   @@@@  @@!  @@@       @@@  !@@      @@!@!@@@      @@@  @@!  @@@  
!@!           @!@   !@!  @!@!@  !@!  @!@      @!@   !@!      !@!!@!@!      @!@  !@!  @!@  
!@!          !!@    @!@ @! !@!  @!@!@!@!     !!@    !!@@!!   @!@ !!@!  @!@!!@   @!@  !@!  
!!!         !!:     !@!!!  !!!  !!!@!!!!    !!:     @!!@!!!  !@!  !!!  !!@!@!   !@!  !!!  
:!!        !:!      !!:!   !!!  !!:  !!!   !:!          !:!  !!:  !!!      !!:  !!:  !!!  
:!:       :!:       :!:    !:!  :!:  !:!  :!:           !:!  :!:  !:!      :!:  :!:  !:!  
 ::: :::  :: :::::  ::::::: ::  ::   :::  :: :::::  :::: ::   ::   ::  :: ::::  ::::: ::  
 :: :: :  :: : :::   : : :  :    :   : :  :: : :::  :: : :   ::    :    : : :    : :  :   

Voices from the past Ibalginace 9:xx (only?? ;-))(~4.9M..Size doesn't matter ;-))
Remember those old times of 2004/2005 ? Feels like tool, no pain, painkillers (ibalgin), memories of Albert Hoffman, keyboards in the carton box, carpet on the window... and owls that are not what they seem to be (see the pic of this .mp4)...

Rare, Monophonic, Historically valuable material. Not recomended for sensitive children under 3 years.

Nejstarší ještěři 35:xx (kolečko2003) (~21.1M)

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Desetiminutovka, Dejna, původní Rohy Plogen, Mechanický kuře. Yes, back in time, year 2003, wery low quality, Retromonophonicgarage, still same joyful boys ;-)

Německá poslušnost 1932 57:58 (German obedience 1932) (~79.5M)

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Bych ho prásknul gestapu 38:19 (Gestapo like him prásknul =) ) (~52.6M)

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Don't believe in your-self too much, else you CAN find what you WANTED to find, anywhere, in anything, on whatever.. If You think You got an Idea what is going about in this Universe, don't be Silly, It already knows that you cannot know neither a bit about it.
In-form yourself, believe in Hydrogen and don't believe to your's idea after first look. ...

Že na to ještě nehledala ~50 units (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) (~66.2M)

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Dear Receiver of Atoms! We are glad to have you (yes, we mean You) consistently here, but if Receiver can be Sender, why joyful boys are still feeling so Isolated? Or is it today's durability standard of consuming "Anything for Nothing"? ;-)
Just try to reach Almighty Universe before awake...

Makové lány 38:16 () (~52.5M)

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Another time, another travel, another s?mething.. ;)
Don't leave Us alone, leave some message 4 us instead...

Horizonty Času 49:04 (Horizons of Time) (~67.4M)

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My love for Time is so great,
my heart melts for it 'til the dusk of day.
The night moves when it's away,
unforget, lead 'til day's dawn.

Its beauty is great,
Wondering mind 'til it sees,
growing is all I do,
While waiting for the moment, for it to say "I do."


Pot she touch 52:5x (|) (~72.7M)

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It is still true, every one bioform from 4 feels not complete without all others 3..

Vlhká teplá agrese 30:xx (Wet Hot Aggression) (~52.8M)

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4>3 in classic universe, but this times it's look like 3>=4, simply, bear with that..

Kálo zní počasí 3x:xx (Weather's Nest) (~52.2M)

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Steam, bottle, drinking on full throttle..

"V.G.P" 32:46 (Searching of Alan Toin) (~45.0M)

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Alan Toin is another scientist searching Thruth in moving hydrogenic fluids.

Bouře před klidem 50:x (Storm before Quiet) (~69.9M)

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After storm is always quiet,
like full stomach after a long diet..

Trash Velvet 45:56 (Conspiracy interview with Rohy Plogen) (~63.1M)

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Rohy Plogen awakened from cold sleep
my head dials earth my head dials earth my head dials earth
and floats into a luke-warm, salacious sleep
my ciruits are overloaded, but I'll try to do better next time...

Cože yy:xx (What Y-) ) (~50.8M)

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My love for Hydrogen is so great,
my heart melts for it 'til the dusk of day.
The night Spaceships when it's away,
travel, light speed 'til day's dawn.

Its beauty is great,
Wondering mind 'til it sees,
organisation is all I do,
While waiting for the moment, for it to say "I do."


Jaxceš 29:xx (o_o) (~40.0M)

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90 is nice number. But 'Why' not try magic 105? ;-)

There is no time 27:xx (Time is not here :-))) (~35.0M)

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After opening Closed Doors (or closing Opened Doors? It depends on angle of view), during process of Ibalgination, there was times, when there was no time. As it looks, no-one can leave it be as it is.. What was before Big Bang? And before it?

Jablečnej Jobs 24:14 (Aplle Prácař Yo)) (~22.2M)

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Try to imagine Open Closed Doors. Yes, in both states.. Open and Close is hard to get together.. so this time, Sciccors was used to dissable unwanted Open-Closed problem. And yes, you don't need to understand anything from it ;-))

In-Ventura 46:39 (self-explanatory ;-)) (~30.7M)

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One Big Fat Horizontal Line! Thanks to many bioForms, our four Psychonauts Of StarShip Hydrogen get another new piece of Interstelar-travel-enabling device! Universe bless donations from StarPal(TM), with It's help, recordings of Hydrogen reactions are more Crystalic than ever before.. Let's hope, enemy called AC hum has lost battle this time.. ;-)

Nakonec to zjistim 31:10 (?Finally, to find?) (~43,3M)

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Finding of Truth is hard job, becourse no one knows, what Truth is in reality. We can Trust only what is Truth, we can believe, but we cannot never Know it.. ;-)

Keyword its:not-so-long (?Slovo klíče ;-)?) (~39,4M)

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Spring is here! Gray shades of winter gray are swaped for many RGB variants, chloroform-based species are full of small paralel worlds, hormone floods are notable everywhere, so it's time to take a deep breath and go outside to Explore! :-)

Odpustit vodu its:long (Let water flow a bit) (~45,2M)

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By carefully observation of everydays things flow, argonauts from spaceship Hydrogen discovered one ImPortAnt thing - unbelieveable inventions are hiden right behind Seeker's eyes, but he's not able to see straight in most times. At example, in one moment, you're in bath, and in other moment, you're running naked throught city crying "Heureka!" with one of most important discoveries in your head, which is indeed needed for floating in Venus atmosphere .. ;-)

Time.. it's so relative, wait a few moments, some bytes are heading up to you, wait!

Stand up for war 18:xx (?postavit se za války?) (~25,0M)

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So, after look to Julian date calender, we have reseted counters for months to it's default 1 and year counter was increased by one. And strange things are still happens. All conflicts starts in head. But why conflicts must go "Outside" to know, why this conflict must ends where it starts.. Let ours wars Inside for better Outside! ;-)

Tak to sme přepískli --:-- (So, this is too much) (~61,6M)

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Crazy times.. Hollydays of Big Seller are under last prepairs, Chaos is near, all human bioforms goes crazy, chilli pepper is in chocolate.. So we can't be wonder, why this time is preparing for Good 3eyed BioDaemon's calling is so long.. Stay tuned and remember: Buy, buy more, and be happy... ;-)

Ryk pouště 24:45 (Desert's scream) (~34,0M)

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What is so faScINating on Deserts? They're BIG part of memories, which are hard-boiled into our DNA. It's a FlashBack, a Reminiscence to our Elder Cradle, to Ancestors, when they was for first time faced with deadly,but harmonic plains without Water of Life... Deserts are on many planets, which was (and will be) visited with spaceship Hydrogen.. So, where is no Hydrogen, there is only Desert, yoin Us aboard, leave your's dryed home-planet behind! ;-) And regards to Man, which fall on Earth.. :-)

Externalizace duše 23:21 (Soul externalization) (~32,2M)

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YES! Holy Days are over again, photon engines of spaceship Hydrogen are again glowing blue, Travelers from 3d space are back with more needs to use Theoretic Therapies than ever before, B-course time of New time is begining get closer and closer and needs to In Forming self are at green level, still rises... No, don't worry, there's still no need to not be joyful;-)

V ulici někdo vraždí 24:53 (Homicidal streets) (~34,2M)

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No, this is not about Violence. And YES, there is no Guitar (Yes, there's one live BioGuitarist normaly among other live BioForms ;-)). And Yes again, better track from last saturday was lost during OpenSourceWars, so now is forgiven in our memories... And one more YES as a answer to A.L.L. ;-)

Polk jako sameček od polky 45:08 () (~62,0M)

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Eh, that's full of hidden ideas, so we cannot translate it :-) What to say next? On top is newest, on most botom - suprisly the oldest :-)

Přemejšlíme 40:53 (We are thinking) (~56,1M)

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We are back from Trips...

14.4.2008 For now, Almighty BioInquizitor is not able to give us a free hand, or give us Permission, to paste here another and latest tales from our trips. He is not satisfied with ours trying to reach to next knowledge. So only one message is missing - we must say Hello to 2 Bioforms from Umea,North Sweden, Planet Earth, Universe... So, see ya next time ?

To je těžký pojmenovat 36:34 (It's hard to give name to it) (~50,2M)

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A very light bulb in the very dark darkness.. Not needed to say more i hope ;-)

Smazat na zlo 50:20 (Delete it for evil?) (~60,0M)

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What is a difference between God Evil, Evil God and Good Evil? So, answer is near, let's start engines of Hydrogen Spaceship and let's go! ;-)

Tak trochup pustší pláně 35:37 (A bit brain's plain plains) (~48,9M)

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This is a short and a bit sad story about Searching of Carnivorous Park (maybe on Other Planet), story is long, and be sure, it will be soon (or later(or more more later)) revealed by Argonauts from spaceship Hydrogen.. ;-) But i can say, there is a Cave with a Paintings....;-)

Postěžovalismesi 34:14 (we complained) (~47,0M)

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So, we had a big problems with maintaining Universe's dimensions in our heads, so we go very long, very far, and very difficult path (at least to us) and we complained about Universe's space filled of nothing and something.. Hydrogen is everywhere... :-)

JAMA RAAMA 39:27 (aka Path of Rama/Rama's path) (~52,2M)

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This time we wanted to through the desert mountian as we needed to talk with someone. The next track is what happened next ;-)

Smazat na dobro 54:49 (delete it 4 4ever) (~75,3M)

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One of ours experiment, which nobody wants to comment.. But sometimes not good doesn't mean "No God" ;-) But i can tell you, that idea was to construct Green Submarine and instead of travel through the tradical desert mountains, we wanted travel in Water Universe ;-)

Osmej pražec nadruhou 51:46 (8th fret 2) (~71,1M)

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Back to "home beat 90" with number greater than 50 ;-) alias short story about long yourney from desert
mountains to the Jovian's moons with unexpected visit of Rohy Plogen's slaves... ;-)

nahrávals to otazník 47:05 (Did you recorded it question mark) (~64,7M)

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Another experiment with number 110 ;-)

Deeper than deep.mp3 28:12 (~38,7M)

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110 Bpm = maximum4minimal ;-), 1st use of Apple Air for guitar 8-)

52_minut.mp3 51:52 (~72M) - online play removed by BioInquizitor for low quality
P.s.: 17,25,35,44,49,51 ;-)

(c) 2005 - 2011 All older material recorded by Basset by controling PoissonedApple
New materials are recorded with Adam R16
Since midnight of 21th November 2003 - Biopunk.cz